About us

Kia Slovakia Foundation

Kia Slovakia Foundation has been performing non-profit activities since 2013. With the support of founder, Kia Slovakia s. r. o., it is devoted to philanthropy especially in the Žilina region.

We care and actively look for the needs of people and environment they live in. We aim to provide resources and act so that our help and support can make a true and lasting difference while we regularly evaluate our scope and activities to achieve the most effective results.

We always keep in mind our ethical principles as the basis for maintaining integrity and building trust. Our activities, ethical principles and financial results are regularly and transparently presented at our website.

With our own projects, long-term partnership projects and grant programs we are dedicated to certain topics while we naturally consider the effect of our actions on the wider community as well as the sustainability of each and every particular support.

Our support helps to reconstruct and revitalize public spaces, hospitals, education and sport facilities, as well as to build cycling paths and improve the material conditions for the provision of social and medical care.

Our pillars and partnerships

  • Mobility. At Kia Foundation, a green mobility is a leading topic, we cooperate with local municipalities and participate in significant projects:
    • a unique system of shared bicycles with Žilina city (Bikesharing) allowing citizens to use shared bicycles for 30 minutes free of charge,
    • we contribute to Regional Tourism Organization Malá Fatra in the construction of the cycling path called Terchovská dolina,
    • we built pumptracks in the cities of Žilina, Martin and Čadca.
  • Health and Social Support. With a long-term vision of improving level of health and social care, we primarily address the assistance to:
    • regional hospitals for reconstructions and purchase of medical equipment for prevention, diagnosis and treatment,
    • centers for children and families, community centers and social entities for interior equipment.
  • Education. We provide a long-term support of the education with focus on technical skills development by:
    • creating the technical corners in kindergartens and purchasing technical equipment for primary and secondary schools,
    • procuring of educational online software licenses.

Our grant programs

  • Volunteering. We create opportunities for community organization with focus on environmental development, revitalization of public spaces, cultural monuments and school gardens.
  • Sport in the Region. We care for long-term improvement of quality of sport infrastructure by providing sport and leisure activities support by purchase of equipment and construction and reconstruction of sport facilities.
  • Advent calendar. At Christmas time, we strive for health protection and social care. The purpose is to finance the treatment, medical devices and material assistance to socially disadvantaged families and children.

Our annual reports

Annual  report 2023 – Kia Slovakia Foundation

Annual report 2022 – Kia Slovakia Foundation 

Annual report 2021 – Kia Slovakia Foundation

Annual report 2020 – Kia Motors Slovakia Foundation

Annual report 2019 – Kia Motors Slovakia Foundation

Annual report 2018 – Kia Motors Slovakia Foundation

Annual report 2017 – Kia Motors Slovakia Foundation

Annual report 2016 – Kia Motors Slovakia Foundation

Administration Board:

Foundation is managed by Administration Board whose members are participating in approval of all processes, preparation of guidelines for the foundation and are especially here to provide help. All members of the Administration Board are also members of the Kia Slovakia (KaSK) company management.

  • Geon Won Shin – Chairman of the Administration Board of the Foundation, President and CEO of KaSK
  • Uk Jeon – Member of the Administration Board of the Foundation and the Chief Financial Officer Head of Finance Division of KaSK
  • Nam Hyuk Bang– Member of the Administration Board of the Foundation and Coordinator of the Administration Division of KaSK
  • Branislav Imre – Member of the Administration Board of the Foundation, Vice President responsible for Administration Division

Supervisory Board:

Our activities are supervised by Supervisory Board that consists of professionals from KaSK who assist with accounting, cost control and other services to ensure maximum financial transparency and trustworthiness towards our partners and public.

  • Won Jin Kim –  Member of the Supervisory Board & Coordinator of Employee Relations, Public Relations and Legal department (KaSK)
  • Adriana Kociánová – Member of the Supervisory Board & Head of Accounting & Finance department (KaSK)
  • Dušan Mizera –  Member of the Supervisory Board & Head of Cost Control department (KaSK)


Administrator of the Foundation is a person on the right chair who is managing foundation´s activities, is acting on behalf of foundation and is also the statutory body. Current Administrator of the Foundation is Tomáš Kováč – who also leads the section for government and public affairs in KaSK.

Kia Foundation employees

Our foundation employees are Darina Mikušová and Beáta Ďurišová who are responsible for operation, administration and adjustment of the Foundation processes. They are also contact persons whom you can get in touch with on behalf of grant schemes or any additional information.


Through community service activities we want to lend a helping hand where our help is needed and where focus is in harmony with the areas of support we devote ourselves to. We follow the slogan: “Let’s move the world together”.


The Foundation’s mission is to be a trustworthy and reliable partner for the community, Žilina Region and Slovakia. The Foundation wants to fulfil the social responsibility of its founder, Kia Slovakia, and to actively seek for new challenges that will transform the surroundings into a better world.

We fulfill our mission mainly by supporting active organizations:

  • direct donation of funds,
  • implementation of open grant programs,
  • support for partnership projects,
  • arranging volunteering activities,
  • implementation of own projects.

Program strategy and priorities

Within the Foundation, we primarily address our  philanthropic activities supporting sport, the development of education, mobility in the region and the development of volunteering with partner non-profit organizations. Our ambition is not only to redistribute funds and grants, but also to support any change that makes our surroundings a better place. We want to support a modern and well-functioning society, through altruistic acts done for the benefit of others, showing interest in others, helping the weak and disadvantaged.

Main program areas – support of sports activities, mobility, education and volunteering in the region

  • Grant programs:

GP “Volunteering” focused on the development of volunteer activities in the Žilina region;
GP “Sport in the region” in order to increase the quality of sports grounds and sports infrastructure;
GP “Advent calendar” to support health protection and social assistance in the region.

  • Major Partnerships:

City of Žilina for the system of shared bicycles in the city of Žilina (so-called Bikesharing) in the form of a 5-year memorandum of cooperation. The project features 121 bicycles and 21 stations available to users for 30 minutes free of charge;

Regional Organization –  Malá Fatra for the project Cycling Path Žilina- Terhcová – 3-year agreement on cooperation and project financing in the amount of 5% of the total eligible costs of the project;

University Hospital in Žilina for long-term support through reconstruction work and the purchase of medical equipment for diagnosis and treatment;

Primary and secondary schools to support technical education (purchase of technical aids) and online education (purchase of annual licenses of educational software) for selected schools in the Žilina region.

Our ethical principles
The purpose of our Foundation is to lend a helping hand where it is needed. We believe this sense we will only achieve this if we are a credible partner for the community and if our activity is at the same time based on strict ethical principles and their observance. It is therefore a matter of course for us to do our job
we perform and will perform:

  • with an emphasis on public benefit so that we fulfill the basic mission of philanthropic activity and social responsibility, without any discrimination and political or ideological influence,
  • honestly and fairly, we strictly reject, do not tolerate conflicts of interest and acceptance of any personal benefits that would influence decision-making, while creating an environment that prevents this,
  • in accordance with legislation, accounting and auditing standards, without providing funding in cash and with a regularly evaluated system of mutual control and risk management,
  • economically and efficiently to spend money on activities or the procurement of goods, works and services at the right time, in the right quantity and quality for the best price and in the most favorable the result achieved,
  • transparency so that the public and our partners have access to information about our activities and rules, which we follow when making decisions,
  •  taking into account the environment and its protection, so that our activities do not burden but actively create environment.


External communication rules for beneficiaries

The beneficiary communicates the foundation in all written materials (publications) and public performances directly related to the aided project. In the interests of unified communication and for clarity, we ask you to communicate to the Foundation according to well-defined rules.

Correct name
Indicate that the relevant activity (project, publication, etc.) was supported by the Kia Foundation. If it is a project with several donors, the full name – Kia Foundation – must be mentioned among the supporters.

Proper use of the logo
If logos appear instead of the foundation’s name, the Kia Foundation’s logo must be published in the correct one dimensional and color version, which can be found on the website www.nadaciakia.sk in the section About the Foundation / Logo and design. Do not use other or modified logos. In the case of printing logos on posters, advertising or commemorative boards or other media, it is necessary to consult the use of the logo in advance at the e-mail address info@nadaciakia.sk, at least 7 working days before entering into the press and then wait for a written / e-mail authorization graphic designs and visualizations. Correct and current logos:

Logo Nadacia 2021_ENG

 horizontal logo for download

Logo Nadacia 2021_ENG_vert

vertical logo for download

Public appearances
It is necessary for public appearances, ceremonial opening events and communication in the media inform that the funds or material equipment were provided by the Kia Foundation. Beneficiary informs the Kia Foundation in advance of the dates of the most important activities related to the given project. If it is for larger events (eg opening of the playground, etc.), the recipient on time, at least 10 working days in advance, discusses with the foundation the possible participation and speech of the donor.



1. In the form of a monetary gift – a monetary gift can be sent directly to the account of the Kia Slovakia Foundation (IBAN: SK51 0200 0000 0032 7639 6353).

2. By donating 2% of the income tax of natural or legal persons – the declaration and confirmation of payment of the tax shall be submitted by the taxpayer on the forms valid for the relevant tax period.

The rules of personal data protection are published in the Slovak version of the website – https://www.nadaciakia.sk/#tabs-7


1. Suggestions and request

From the Foundation’s point of view, a proposal is information or an appeal that may lead to new measures, support for projects or changes in the Foundation’s activities.

A request for assistance is a formal plea addressed to the Foundation asking for support.

The Foundation does not provide funding in the form of sponsorship, individual support of individuals or tax deductions. Programs and support are exclusively for nonprofit organizations according to the specifics of the grant programs.

An initiative/application may be submitted to:

by mail to Kia Slovakia Foundation, Sv. Ján Nepomuckého 1282/1, 01301 Teplička nad Váhom
by e-mail to info@nadaciakia.sk
2. Register of suggestions

The Foundation records all suggestions in electronic form.

3. Handling of suggestions

The applicant is notified of the outcome of the complaint by email.


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  • 4
    Vzdelávacie stredisko Denný kemp s Nadáciou 12.8.2024

    Summer camp with the Kia Foundation has 30 satisfied graduates

    The free summer day camp organised by the Kia Foundation was once again an unforgettable experience for 30 enthusiastic children this year. During five days full of activities, the children not only had fun but also learned many important lessons about environmental protection, sustainable mobility, safety, teamwork, creative thinking and innovation. Thanks to a rich programme that included intere...

    Vzdelávacie stredisko Denný kemp s Nadáciou 12.8.2024

    Summer camp with the Kia Foundation has 30 satisfied graduates

    The free summer day camp organised by the Kia Foundation was once again an unforgettable experience for 30 enthusiastic children this year. During five days full of activities, the children not only had fun but also learned many important lessons about environmental protection, sustainable mobility, safety, teamwork, creative thinking and innovation. Thanks to a rich programme that included interesting workshops, excursions and practical demonstrations, participants took away valuable experiences and new friendships.

    The first day of the camp was all about getting to know each other and having fun. In the morning, the children took part in great activities prepared by the Youth Council of Žilina Region. Thanks to various games and competitions, the children not only got to know each other, but also had a great time. Then came the educational part of the day, when the employees of our plant prepared an interactive presentation on environmental protection. The children learned about the important role of nature protection and social responsibility. There was also a quiz where they could compete. After lunch, they went to the community warehouse in Žilina, where the children showed their creativity. They made bags out of old T-shirts and wallets out of tetra-packs, thus learning how to give old things a new life.

    The second day of the camp was dedicated to getting to know the university environment. The children had the opportunity to try their hand at exploring the MOTIO Experience Centre for the Popularisation of Science and Technology, and explored the interactive demonstrations of wave processes in the Land of Waves. They tested their skills and strength in the Automotive Workshop, and after lunch in the University Dining Hall, they moved on to the Multimedia Production Studio. Here they tried their hand at being presenters and video makers, which was a new and exciting experience for them. The end of the day belonged to sports and fun at the university playground, where the children could go crazy with various sports activities or relax while creating wool works on campus.

    The third day focused on road safety and the importance of green spaces in the city. After a morning warm-up and the popular dodgeball game, the children moved to the traffic playground where they reviewed the rules of the road under the supervision of the municipal police. Lunch was followed by an adventure in Žilina’s forest park Chrasť, where the children learned more about the importance of greenery in the city and took part in interesting activities. In the shade of the forest park trees they made beautiful bracelets from cordwood.

    The fourth day of the camp was in the spirit of teamwork, personal skills but also cultural awareness. Under the guidance of experts from the Slovak Red Cross, the children participated in simulation-educational workshops where they practically tried first aid. In the afternoon they visited the Považské Museum in Terchova, where they learned about the cultural values and history of the Terchov region. The day ended with a walk to the statue of Juraj Jánošík.

    The last day of the camp took place in the beautiful surroundings of the Bioclimatic Park Drieňová near Rajc, where the children had the opportunity to meet animals, get to know a variety of plants and to create with natural materials. They learned that even a neglected space can be turned into a place full of life and biodiversity. The day was full of knowledge and joy of nature, which left a deep impression on the children.

    Thus, the summer day camp with the Kia Foundation not only brought a lot of fun and new experiences to the children, but also inspired them to care about their surroundings and contribute to their conservation. We hope that they all had many unforgettable experiences and that they will continue to develop what they learned during the camp.

    pondelok Denný kemp s Nadáciou Kia 2024 (1)

    utorok_Denný kemp s Nadáciou Kia 2024

    streda_Denný kemp s Nadáciou Kia 2024

    štvrtok_Denný kemp s Nadáciou Kia 2024

    Piatok_Denný kemp s Nadáciou Kia 2024







  • 19
    Neformalne vzdelavanie 2024-2026 vysledky na web

    Disclosure of results: the Non-Formal Education Grant Programme 2024-202

    For the Informal Education 2024-2026 grant program, aimed at supporting education and strengthening 21st century skills for students and teachers in the Žilina region, we received 52 applications totaling more than 537,631.60 € This interest indicates that there is still considerable potential for further improvement in the field of education. We have therefore decided to increase the allocated...

    Neformalne vzdelavanie 2024-2026 vysledky na web

    Disclosure of results: the Non-Formal Education Grant Programme 2024-202

    For the Informal Education 2024-2026 grant program, aimed at supporting education and strengthening 21st century skills for students and teachers in the Žilina region, we received 52 applications totaling more than 537,631.60 €

    This interest indicates that there is still considerable potential for further improvement in the field of education. We have therefore decided to increase the allocated funds from the original €50,000 to €65,000. We also plan to support the best initiatives with financial support for at least the next two years.

    After an intensive review and evaluation by a committee of five experts in the field of non-formal and formal education, the Foundation’s Board of Directors selected 11 winning projects that achieved a rating of more than 60%.

    Evaluation of the projects

    All projects that met the formal criteria were evaluated by a committee of experts in the field of education, both formal and non-formal:

    Mgr. Tomáš Horváth from the National Institute of Education and Youth – for non-formal education
    PaedDr. Viera Popluhárová from the Department of Education of the City of Žilina,
    Mgr. Miroslava Abrmanová from the Department of Education of the Žilina Self-governing Region,
    Ing. Marcel RYPÁK, MSc. from the Youth Section of the Žilina Self-Governing Region,
    Ing. Elena Tomovčíková – from MOTIO Uniza,
    PaedDr. Erika Novotná, PhD. from the Faculty of Education of the University of Prešov.
    We thank them for their dedication, time, energy and responsibility with which they approached the evaluation.

    Each project was evaluated by three evaluators.


  • 24
    Bezplatny denny letny kemp s nadaciou Kia Web (3)

    (SK) Summer camp with the Kia Foundation

    The Kia Slovakia Foundation is organising a free summer day camp, which aims to provide children from 5th to 8th grades of primary school (grades must be completed) with unforgettable experiences and valuable knowledge about the environment, its protection and mobility through play and fun. Date: 12.8.2023 - 16.8.2024 Capacity: 30 participants (+ 5 alternates) Closing date for applications: w...

    Bezplatny denny letny kemp s nadaciou Kia Web (3)

    (SK) Summer camp with the Kia Foundation

    The Kia Slovakia Foundation is organising a free summer day camp, which aims to provide children from 5th to 8th grades of primary school (grades must be completed) with unforgettable experiences and valuable knowledge about the environment, its protection and mobility through play and fun.

    Date: 12.8.2023 – 16.8.2024
    Capacity: 30 participants (+ 5 alternates)
    Closing date for applications: when the capacity of participants and alternates is reached, at the latest by 12.7.2024
    Venue: Kia Education Centre in Gbeľany, MOTIO Žilina, Bioclimatic Park Drienová, Transport Playground Žilina etc.

    Throughout the week, children will be guided through selected topics together with experts on nature conservation, biodiversity, sustainability but also green mobility and safety. Through games, creative activities and field trips, we will help children to better understand and perceive these important areas and apply new knowledge to everyday life.


    7:30 a.m. Departure of the camp bus from Žilina bus station
    8:00 Start of the programme
    10:00 Refreshment break (snack)
    12:00 Lunch
    13:30 Refreshment break (olovrant)
    15:00 End of the programme
    15:30 Arrival of the camp bus at the bus station Žilina


    Kia Foundation costs: we offer the day camp to all children, regardless of the financial limits of the family budget. We will therefore cover the costs associated with the technical provision of the camp (program, bus transport) and catering (lunch).

    Parents’ costs: child’s accident insurance for each day of the camp, snack/lunch, drinks.


    Capacity is limited to 30 participants + 5 alternates. If interested, a properly completed application form is required by July 12. We may close the application process earlier, after the maximum capacity of participants and alternates has been reached.


    12 July 2024: Deadline for application
    17.7.2024: Announcement of results and sending instructions to participants
    12.8.-16.8.2024: Organisation of the day camp
    Application form:

    Instructions on the processing of personal data

    Organiser: the Kia Slovakia Foundation, Sv. Ján Nepomuckého 1282/1, 013 01 Teplička nad Váhom, ID No.: 42 349 826, registered in the register of non-governmental non-profit organisations, registration office: the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, registration number: 203/Na-2002/1070,

    Contact: +421 910 922 438, mikusova@nadaciakia.sk



  • 7
    Neformálne vzdelávanie 2024-2026 Nadácia Kia Slovakia

    Grant Programme: Non-Formal Education 2024-2026 – BridgEDU for tomorrow 2024 – 2026

    We are launching a new call for proposals aimed at developing education and supporting non-formal education for primary and secondary school pupils, teachers and youth workers in the Žilina Region. The field of education is part of our long-term priorities for our Foundation. Education is about mutual understanding, cooperation, tolerance, respect and the ability to listen to each other. The...

    Neformálne vzdelávanie 2024-2026 Nadácia Kia Slovakia

    Grant Programme: Non-Formal Education 2024-2026 – BridgEDU for tomorrow 2024 – 2026

    We are launching a new call for proposals aimed at developing education and supporting non-formal education for primary and secondary school pupils, teachers and youth workers in the Žilina Region. The field of education is part of our long-term priorities for our Foundation.

    Education is about mutual understanding, cooperation, tolerance, respect and the ability to listen to each other.

    The use of non-formal education brings a number of benefits for children, young people and, last but not least, for teachers and youth workers. It enables the development of a wide range of skills and competences that are not always covered in the traditional school environment.



    • Support of non-formal education for primary and secondary school pupils, teachers and youth workers.
    • Linking formal and non-formal education.
    • Strengthening 21st century skills

    APPLICANTS: Non-governmental, non-profit organizations working in the field of education
    MINIMUM GRANT AMOUNT EUR: EUR 2 500 / 1 project
    MAXIMUM GRANT AMOUNT EUR: EUR20 000 / 1 project

    Deadline for submission of projects is 8 July 2024

Grant programs 2020

The Kia Slovakia Foundation’s grant calls are regularly published on the Foundation’s website www.nadaciakia.sk in the News section. Those interested in applying for a grant can use the opportunity to consult their project initiatives in person, by phone or by email with the respective grant programme coordinator.

In 2024 we have the following current grants :

INFORMAL EDUCATION 2024-2026 (BridgEDU for tomorrow 2024-2026) Grant Programme 

INSPIRATION IN MOTION 2024 Grant Programme



ADVENT CALENDAR Grant Programme 2024

Having a question regarding new or old grant programs? Please contact:

Darina Mikušová, phone no.: 041/ 515 1523,  E-mail: info@nadaciakia.sk


Beáta Ďurišová, phone no.: 041/ 515 1522,  E-mail: info@nadaciakia.sk


Contact telephone number:

+421 41 515 1522 or +421 41 515 1523

Project Coordinators :

Darina Mikusova:+421 910 922 438

Beata Durisova: +421 904 970 100

Post address and billing information:

Nadácia Kia Slovakia

Sv. Jána Nepomuckého 1282/1

013 01 Teplička nad Váhom

IČO: 42349826

DIČ: 2024083215

Bank account number:

IBAN: SK51 0200 0000 0032 7639 6353